
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward

"Fast Forward is the name given to the “all new series” produced by 4Kids as a continuation to the TMNT 2003 series. It follows the adventures of the Ninja Turtles and Splinter as they are accidentally transported one hundred years into the future by Cody Jones, great grandson of Casey Jones and April O’Neil, and heir to the O’Neil Tech business empire."

I was unfortunate enough to catch a few minutes of this tripe this morning while having breakfast.

So lets just sum this up here...

  • Based in 2105
  • No Casey Jones
  • No Shredder
  • They live in an classy inner city apartment with a robot and some kid
Congratulations you have destroyed my childhood.



Anonymous said...

Fuckin word!

Anonymous said...

Wait? Casey gets to nail April? Dude!