Fuck yes! We'll give everyone money! Lots of fucking money! What a brilliant idea!
We'll give it in packages! Shit, some people can have two or three if they like! The more deadbeat and fucked they are, the more we'll give them! It'll be a money party, and everyone is invited except for that one guy Tyse, who decided to be responsible and study last year and graduate instead of sit around with his thumb up his arse like everyone else did. Ergo, he can go fuck himself.
Well, FUCK YOU you greedy, mindless cunts.
Go buy your pointless shit that'll make you happy for about 10 seconds, and I'll just sit here and stare at my HECS bill which is both in 5-figure territory, and not getting any smaller.
But that's alright. That's al-fucking-right because at least I've got an education. An education which, despite it costing me fucking shitloads of money, is apparently cunting worthless to the Government.
Kiss my fucking dick, the whole goddamn lot of you.
jesus, that pic is scary.
you could be pleased that you can HECS your bill instead of paying up front. One might say the govt already helped you. One might also say that you were able to benefit from tax payers without actually paying tax for the year - had you paid tax you would receive the money. One might say that you could have gotten a job. Many people who study do. Is it easy? No. It is possible though. Of course if you had a job and paid tax, you would be getting the money. Money which I don't agree should be handed out. However, whining when you have been helped in many other ways is well.. whining.
If I refrained entirely from whining, bitching and moaning about every little thing, this website would about as boring as your response.
One might say I couldn't give a rats arse about what I did or didn't do.
One might also say that I wish nothing but death and torment upon you.
One might also say that, since you don't agree with money being handed out, that you should therefore donate your dirty ill-gotten Government gifts directly to charity. Instead of the more likely option that you embrace your own hypocrisy and spend it on consumables.
One MIGHT say that. And one has. You fucking turd.
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