
New Years Resolutions

What kind of idiot needs the promise of a new year to finally motivate self-improvement?

I'll tell you who: Weak, gutless, space wasting dogs who probably work in data management or technical support centres.

They're nothing more than shallow, bullshit ideas that get flushed down the toilet along with the January 1st AGB. Because that's essentially what they are. Shit. Absolute fucking shit.

I've got a New Years Resolution for you: FUCK. OFF.



This motherfucking shit

Now then, Mr."Boy 8-Bit", if that IS your real name. You claim that your name comes from the fact that you use an Amiga to make music. You claim they used to use an 8-bit sampler. You also claim you were young at the time.


Wrong. Wrong. Fucking all goddamned wrong.

Firstly, you never "made music" with an Amiga. You made a series of random insufferable beeps. There's two sides to that coin. And on the side your "music" is on, you're a fucking knobshiner.

Secondly, "they" used an 8-bit sampler. "They". Who are you talking about? There is no "they". There is only "you". And "you" are still a fucking knobshiner.

Finally, (and I'm sorry if this comes as a shock) you were never young. You clearly congealed in some backwater Bromley gutter, the congealed love spawn of Bjorn Borg and a lemur.

So do us all a favour and Ctrl+C your life as soon as possible.

You fucking knobshiner.


"Product of the '80s": Fucking what?

"Lady GaGa": Tits or GTFO

"Josiah Leming": Unless you're a Blocker Lemming, get the fuck out of my face, for you are of no practical use whatsoever.

"Barcelona": I've got an ice cold steel bar with your names written all over it. Now who wants to fucking dance?



Suicidal Sharks


No. That's a bad shark.

You cannot go on the waterslide. You are a shark.

You can't even handle chlorine.



Upside-Down Christmas Trees

You're doing it wrong.



Mambo and The Chaser's new line of T-Shirts.

Click here for more of this craptastic feat of fail.

This is getting ridiculous. How is it at all possible that a once mighty troupe of fresh, exciting satirists is now perilously close to jumping the shark, despite having been off the air for the past 18 months? Seriously now, "A funny t-shirt won't stop you being a boring prick."? How about instead, you have "A retarded t-shirt won't stop The Chaser from turning into a pack of dickless fucks."?

And furthermore, does anyone remember a point in time where Mambo produced clothing that DIDN'T look like a corn fed hippopotamus with hepatitis had thrown up on the unwashed cumrag of a 14 year old Lord of the Rings supernerd?

Yeah. Me neither.



Ant Circus

There's a very good reason why you've never seen the words "Exciting" and "Entomology" used in the same sentence before. There's also a good reason why you've never heard myrmecology being described as "magic".

It's not exciting. It's not even magic. It's just fucking ants. Digging. Straight down. Whoopee.



Gillette Fusion Power Razor

Seriously every time I need new razors Gillette & Coles rape both me and my wallet up the arse... Hard. I swear to god that one day I'm going to grow some fuck off grizzly beard rock up to Gillette's head office and be like "What's up now?". Yeah that will be sweet...

But I digress...

Let's run thought some of the features of Gillette's new Fusion Power Razor.

First up this razor has 5 blades (not including the one on the back but we'll get to that in a moment). Why I need 5 blades to shave one face is beyond me. Yeah sure I've seen the ads where if the first blade doesn't get a whisker the second on will ect ect. I don't buy it and am calling shenanigans on the whole thing.


Secondly what's up with the blade on the back? The only thing I could see this being useful for is if someone attacked you while you were shaving you could use it to cut them up a little.

An finally whoever at Gillette though it was a good idea to incorporate vibration into something with 6 blades that you use on your face needs to be shot. Seriously was that a wise move? If next time you see me my face is a cut up to shit you'll have your answer.




People who assume that just because I wear a shirt and tie I work for every fucking retail store in Launceston

I swear to god I'm going to start carrying a knife in my work pants so the next time someone asks me "Excuse me, could you tell me how much these slacks are?" I can stab them in the fucking forehead.



This shit

As the global financial crisis continues to make headlines around the world, talk is inevitably turning to who is to blame.

The usual suspects have been wheeled out — greedy investment bankers, greedy investors, greedy politicians and so on — but it seems a group of Aussie legends could be inadvertantly to blame.

According the UK Guardian's music critic, Alexis Petridis, Aussie rockers AC/DC's ascension to the top of the UK charts amid the current crisis may be no coincidence. Every time the iconic rockers have topped the charts, financial catastrophe has shortly followed, particularly in the UK.

Shortly after the band formed in Sydney in 1973, the world was hit by the global oil crisis, which saw prices quadruple. In 1980, meanwhile, as the UK struggled with inflation at 20 percent and unemployment hit 2 million, AC/DC released Back in Black.

As Australia was gripped by "the recession we had to have" in 1990 and interest rates soared towards 20 percent, AC/DC scored a remarkable comeback with The Razor's Edge.

Fast forward to 2008 as the world is gripped by the biggest financial crisis since the great depression and guess who's comback album is number one in the UK? That's right, AC/DC's Black Ice.


Beer "time outs"

Ten minute "time outs" every hour where no alcohol is served are among a range of tough new restriction on the service of alcohol in pubs and clubs across NSW from today.

Useless idea is useless.



Pete Murray

Pete Murray is leaving his northern NSW hinterland retreat and moving his young family to Holland.

The 38-year-old singer said his move was an escape from perceptions he had become "uncool" because of his commercial success and a way to capitalise on his growing popularity in Europe.

Success in the huge Europe market could lead to a big payday for Murray.

"I worked very hard to be successful, but in Australia, when you do succeed, everyone that's too cool suddenly thinks you're too commercial," he said.

"Once you make that crossover to commercial radio the underground tends to move away from you. You're just not cool any more."

Murray has a growing fan base in Holland, where he is considered an underground act.

Well, no shit sherlock. What the fuck were you expecting? Perhaps if the "music" you made wasn't processed to the point of it being the aural equivalent of seafood extender, your precious underground might still get a kick out of you.

And here's a news flash for you: You have never been cool. You've always been a whiny fucking mong with a voice that sounds like you're trying to sing out of your arse, which is somewhat appropriate given that that's apparently where all your "music" comes from.

So go on. Fuck off. I hope you enjoy your new life of tiptoeing through endless fields of weakness, like the Dutch queerbait retard that you clearly are.



Dean Geyer

TV heartthrob Dean Geyer has quit Neighbours.

Geyer, a committed Christian, also admitted he had struggled with some of the sexy storylines involving his character, Ramsay St rock and roller Ty Harper

"In some instances my personal beliefs maybe were contradicting with what the character was doing," he said. "I am not saying I was forced to do anything, but looking at the character I don't necessarily agree with everything he did."

Ok, seriously. 2 things...

1. I'm not sure if anyone has explained this to you before but as an "actor" you play the role of a "character". You are not that character, that character is fictional. Do you think people who play psychopaths are actually psychopaths and believe that the actions of their characters are acceptable? Obviously there are exceptions to this rule but the point remains valid.

2. Harden the fuck up.



André Rieu (continued)

Rieu and his orchestra played 3 concerts at Melbourne's Telstra Dome from 13-15 November and are continuing their tour throughout Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide, through to December 2008. The concert theme is 'A Romantic Vienna Night' and the set comprises a complete replica of a Viennese castle, complete with 2 ice-skating rinks 2 Fountains, and a ballroom dance floor situated above and behind the Orchestra. The Perth concert did not feature the replica of the Viennese Palace as it was stated in the press that it would not fit into the front doors of Subiaco Oval.

A turd is still a turd, André. No matter how much polishing you do.


Tracy Grimshaw

Shut the fuck up.



This idiot

No, not the dumbfuck reporter who knocked the cunting thing over.

The shithead who spent countless hours of his life building something entirely pointless, and then decided to gloat about it being a record BEFORE he got it officially confirmed.

Do you know why they say "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched", you fucking bell-end?

Because some of those chickens died. Just like your dreams.










Inappropriate Crowd Movement

Bare with me on this one.

Picture this: It's Saturday night. You're out having a good time. Sure, the place is a little crowded, but you counteract that by forming a tight circle of mates, and you proceed to drink beers and shoot the shit. Everything's going swimmingly.

All of a sudden, you feel two hands lightly grab you either side of your waist from behind.

The mind, in a split second, whirs. The possibilities are endless. And then you turn around, only to discover that it was some fucking harlot trying to make their way through the crowd.

Who the FUCK just casually grabs the waist of a complete stranger?

Do I know you? Are you some long lost mate "'avin a laff"? Are you Scarlett Johannson, coming to surprise me after being finally wooed by pile after pile of my borderline-psychotic "fan mail"?

No. You are not. You are no one. Do not grab my fucking waist. Ever.

Here's how it's done: One hand. Open palm. Right between the shoulderblades. This can be accompanied by an audible "Excuse me, cobber." or, "Sorry, champ".


I'll even put in pictures for you.


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

is acceptable.

This, however:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

is going to earn you an elbow in the teeth.

You have been forewarned.



Slow News Days

Awesome. Let me know how that works out for him.



Harold Bishop

Actor Ian Smith has told The Sun newspaper in Britain that his years on the soap had not always been a bag of laughs, with strangers yelling insults at him and revving their cars outside his home.

"You know it's time to move on when you're being hassled outside your home every night by drunk idiots screaming abuse," Smith told the newspaper.

"I got so fed up I ended up calling the police. They were making my life hell. Every night at the same time they would drive up to my house and start revving their engines really loudly.

"I lost count of the times I was shouted at. They'd scream: 'Harold you fat so and so', but obviously their language was a lot stronger.

I think this is awesome. I fucking hate Harold Bishop and by proxy the actor that plays him and it is about time people started taking action to get this infuriating fuck of my television. I strongly recommend reading the full article, it gets better. Here is a snippet...

"Theatre is my first love and that's something I'm keen to get back into."

Hahaha, fuck off back to the theatre shithead. Fanfuckingtastic!!!


Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?

This show is a fucking farce. More like "Are you smarter than some kid who was given the answers to all these questions like 20 minutes ago?"...

For example one of the questions that was on the other night "How long is a senators term in office in Australia?". Who the fuck knows that? I don't and I'm pretty damn sure your average 5th grader wouldn't either. Yet all these little fuckers somehow knew the answer. Fucking shenanigans.



Tokio Hotel

What the crap is this? In my day this sort of shit booked you an appointment with Mr Soap in Sock.



Stephanie Rice

The honours keep flying in for swimming's glamour girl Stephanie Rice with the RAAF naming a plane after her. The new AP-3C Orion, now known as Stephanie, was destined for success just like its namesake,Corporal Andrew Summers said.

“The long smooth figure and design is built for speed and manoeuvrability whilst maintaining its sense of gracefulness,” Cpl Summers said.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure being a swimmer garners her all sorts of wonderful misappropriated attention and publicity. Her's is a role that's important to us as Australians, after all.

But at some point you really do have to sit back and ask yourself, "Man, how many dicks has she sucked?"



Paris Hilton (continued)

Paris Hilton is scared of going into space in case she doesn't return for 10,000 years.

She said, “I'm very scared to do it. What if I don't come back? With the whole light years thing, what if I come back 10,000 years later, and everyone I know is dead? I'll be like, 'Great. Now I have to start all over.'

Jesus fucking Christ I knew this bitch was stupid but god damn. Last time I checked Paris, Richard Branson isn't capable of travelling at light speed, and even if he was travelling at light speed it isn't going send you into the future. If you watched Stargate you would know this.



'Til Death


Brad Garrett as "Eddie Stark": An unfunny knobjockey who ponces about like he's not the retarded offspring of Andre the Giant and Frankenstein's Bride.

That shithead from American Pie who sweats too much as "Jeff Woodcock": A guy who, like his actors real world personality, plays the "Hugh Grant stammering dickshitter card" in order to cover up the fact that he possesses the world's single largest pedo smirk.

Joely Fisher as "Joey Stark": Eddie's wife. Always correct. Makes smart remarks whilst waggling her index finger. The type of TV wife who, if it weren't for the fact that she was in possibly the wrost sitcom since "Joey", you'd be absolutely certain she spends most of her days straddling the 17 year old pool boy whilst her old man works himself into a heart attack at 38. Confident. Independent. Formulaic. Fucking boring.

J.B. Smoove as the aptly named "Some shitforbrains I don't fucking care about": Dude went from Curb Your Enthusiasm to this shitstorm. Enough said.


Newlyweds move in next door to a long time married couple, and all seems well. But then, a series of entirely unhilarious events unfold, complete with humour on the same level as poorly timed "That's what she said!" or "Don't go there, girlfriend!" jokes. Then somehow a thinly veiled plot premise is revealed enabling each episode to barely limp over the 22 minute line.

The end result is a TV experience that leaves you wanting to chug the drain cleaner from under the sink and throw battery acid on your face so you can sit in front of a mirror and watch the flesh slowly melt away from the bone in a scene eerily reminiscent of the grand Nazi unveiling ceremony from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

For that would be an infinitely more interesting experience than this useless fucking piece of televisual bile.


Bored Scientists

RESEARCHERS at Leicester University in the UK have reportedly found brain cells devoted to Friends star Jennifer Aniston and the Star Wars character Luke Skywalker. Scientists have discovered that single brain cells leap into action when shown pictures of celebrities, suggesting that individual cells are used to store memories of specific people or places.

Who the fuck cares?
