
The fucking dickheads who unmasked The Stig

I warn you, click at your own peril.

Are you happy? Hmm? Content? Satisfied? Altogether pleased with your "feats" of "journalistic excellence"?


The WHOLE FUCKING POINT of The Stig was that he was, for all intents and purposes, identity-less.

The Stig simply was. And that was more than enough.

See, childhood is filled was false prophets and disappointment. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Loki the Angel of Death. These all turned out to be either complete fallacies or Matt Damon.

The Stig gave hope to every grown man who needed something to believe in. The Stig was above the common man. But more importantly, The Stig was also real.

But you just HAD to fucking ruin it for everyone, didn't you. Well thanks-a-fucking-lot, dickwads.

The only comforting thought is the knowledge that you work in a soulless profession that will, with any luck, see you covering Cat Shows and World's Largest Nobody-Cares until the day you die. And on that day your eternal sentence of being cast into Hell's firey depths to be beaten mercilessly with that very same Stig helmet you "removed" for all eternity will begin, whilst we sit on our Aston Martin made cloud in Heaven shouting "SERVES YOU FUCKING RIGHT."


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