
This Guy

"A photographer has captured the last stand of a gunman wanted by US police after a series of bank raids.

The shots show Robert Sylvester, 57, jumping from his vehicle and brandishing his gun before a shootout with officers.

He was eventually gunned down and died hours later in hospital from multiple wounds."

I like smoking while undertaking other activities as much as the next guy but in a gun battle with the fuzz!!!! No, that sort of shit requires your full attention (And I would know, because I'm gangsta).

So, summing up. Smoking a da in a gun fight...

Cool? Fuck yes

Wise? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


BTW: More photos here. Fantastic stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sore this yesterday and was hoping they'd show some more pics of the shoot out.