
The current direction of AFL

I don't know if this shit goes down in other codes but every week it seems the "rules" of Aussie rules changes. When the Yanks think about Australian Rules the often conjure images like the ones below...

I'm sorry to break it to you but not all Australians are like Crocodile Dundee and our football is no longer the man sport it used to be.

Seriously what was wrong with the rule set we had 20 years ago? 10 years ago if you accidentally ran into an umpire it was a non event, now you cop a $5k fine and a 4 week suspension. EVEN WHEN IT'S THE FUCKING UMPIRES FAULT!!! You used to be able to take your time when taking a shot a goal; now we have shot clock... THIS AIN'T THE FUCKING NBA SHITHEAD, FOOTBALLERS AIN'T BALLIN' OR SHOT CALLIN' GODDAMNIT!!!

Apparently a a sense of atmosphere and umpires getting bowled over funniest home videos style isn't entertaining.

AFL is a mans sport. Not fucking netball in shorts. The sooner these pencil pushers get money off their minds and start thinking about entertainment the better.

P.S. AFL is still better than American football. Lose the padding and harden the fuck up. Also rugby league is boring as hell. "Me get ball and take to other end of field ugha ugha"...


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