

PETA has asked the Pet Shop Boys to change their name as part of a publicity stunt to oppose pet stores.

The animal rights group wrote to the band requesting they change their name to the Rescue Shelter Boys in opposition to the "cruelty" of pet shops.

Sample dialogue:

PETA: "Eating meat is wrong."

Me: "Ok. But why?"
PETA: "Because it's wrong."
Me: "Yes, I gathered your position on this. Can you provide some clarification?"
PETA: "Well, it's wrong because it is."
Me: "...what?"
PETA: "If you eat meat, therefore you are bad and should stop eating meat."
Me: "Yeah, Ok. I get that part. But give me some reasons."
PETA: "Well, for starters, it's bad. Now here's a picture of a cool celebrity not eating meat."
Me: "[/furious headdesking]"

Look at that steak. Look at that motherfucking steak.

It's currently sitting on my plate being awesome and cooked (medium rare, for those keeping score at home).

Now I'm going to eat that steak.

Because it is delicious.

Om-nom-fucking-nom, PETA.



Anonymous said...

It should be made clear that I don't actually have a problem with veganism, vegetarianism, or animal activists themselves. Rather, I actively support all three.

PETA just gives me the shits. They are the Wal-Mart of social activism.

Gravid said...

That steak looks fucking delicious.